Ocean Moon Sangha, situated in Santa Monica, is a Zen Buddhist meditation group established in 2004 by the Soto Zen teacher, John Daishin Buksbazen, Sensei. Daishin Sensei received his teachings under the guidance of Taizan Maezumi Rōshi, and subsequently became a successor to Wendy Egyoku Nakao Rōshi. Daishin Sensei retired in 2015.
Our current teacher is Mico Mushin Ryūtaku Olmos Rōshi. You can learn more about the lineage of our teacher and current practice at Hill Street by going to the “About Us” page, or use the button below.
We meet Wednesday evenings at:
Hill Street Center
237 Hill Street
Santa Monica, CA
There is free parking in the lot beside the building. No permit is required to park in the lot.
We can be reached by email.
Drop us a line with any questions. (Ocean Moon Sangha does not have a mailing address at this time, so please use email to contact us.)
Or better yet, just drop in on Wednesday evening to sit with us!
One meaning ascribed to the word Sangha is “community.” Ocean Moon Sangha gives practitioners in the region an opportunity to sit zazen together every week.
Our Wednesday program is held between 7 and 8:30pm.
Zazen instruction is offered at the beginning of each session as needed. Once a month Ryūtaku gives talks about aspects of Zen Buddhism during the second half of the session. He also offers Dokusan twice a month to address any issues that may arise in your practice, in one-to-one setting.
Zen practice is way tradition, meaning it is all inclusive. We welcome participants from all traditions. Given that the primary practice of zazen is in silence, we appreciate the mutual respect for silence. In accordance with this, we request that all cell phones are turned off or completely silenced.
Copyright © 2024 Ocean Moon Sangha - All Rights Reserved.
Ocean Moon Sangha is an unincorporated group that meets solely for the purpose of Zen Buddhist meditation.